
ディープ マトリックス ラボ

The virtual laboratory in the brains.
Consideration of the earth and humankind.


Abstraction of the five senses (eye, ear, tongue, nose, and touch) and perception as feature value for recognition, memory, and evaluation. Thus, "actual reality and memory" and "self and other selves" are understood, inferred, and decisions in the same process.


高電圧 高圧力 直接印加型 核融合

Based on the Lightning Thunderbolt fusion principle, fusion will be induced by applying electrical energy from 10 keV (equivalent to 100 million degrees kelvin) to more than 1000 keV (equivalent to 10 billion degrees kelvin) to the huge amount of liquid or solid fuel, which are about 220 million times atomic density is denser than the plasma in a near-vacuum Tokamak reactor.
